Dude I just got a rubik's cube and the other day I was thinking: Would there be a nice program online to solve it quickly and YES what do I find on NG?! Good job
Dude I just got a rubik's cube and the other day I was thinking: Would there be a nice program online to solve it quickly and YES what do I find on NG?! Good job
That sure is pretty interesting. I have an important thing to say, I haven't played this alot but when I clicked this, the flash screen was so big I couldn't press ''submit'' cuz it was out of the screen. I had to adjust my screen to it and I think others will have this problems aswell, so if u can make the screen smaller that would be more handy. I will check this out more now. BRB
Shit... I just can't cheat :P i tried to let the mouse go the the left edge and then go around the flash and get in at the finish but the wall always get's me. Oh well..
About the game.. pretty good, but there are way too much mouse avoiders on NG :(
Dude that was awesome! How did u make that in flash? Good and original, I like the way those guys are soaked in blood when they die. It's cool how grenades make the screen shake. Ok, I'l continue playing now :D
This game is way underrated!!! 3.75? WHAT? This should have a 4.20 man..
Anyway really nice game, I like the fact that there are tons of different enemy's and I love the style u've used. Good going u should do more games..
Oh and I came to lvl 29 I think woohoo
I JUST COULDN'T CLICK IT! WHAT?! What was that man, why would you make a game that hard.. I saw all other buttons and I just didn't understand what to click.. and then at the last level it was ALMOST UNTOUCHABLE AND THE SCREEN WENT ALL WEIRD AND WTF!!!!!!
That was sarcastic... you could make a game like that but please make it harder..
I can describe this movie with the vote I gave u: Nothing too new or interesting... So u got a 2/5 :P
It was ok, it had a little low fps but it was an original idea :).. and besides all the scripting of things like this is impossible to most ppl. There is a bug (I think).. when i die they gazelle just keeps jumping at the next try..
Hmm that's one problem I hadn't come across before, did that just happen the one time? Or every time you played it?
Ok I was like HAHA at the last option :P at least that part was original. Shame there are many of these kill the stick or whatever things floating around at NG.. I liked this one though :))
Cool game, I really love mouse games and this was very original, it had some very hard tricks in it. Cool choice of sounds too.
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