This song fits perfectly in Ultimate Assassin 2. Nice!
This song fits perfectly in Ultimate Assassin 2. Nice!
I'm just now realizing this was used in a game. I never understand why these game creators never inform the musicians they get their music from about their projects.
fuckin' tards. Oh well. Thanks for the comment though : D
Hopefully you listen to my other full length songs and enjoy!
I'd like to hear something like Infiltration!
I was looking for this. Now I found it. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!
Ok. I like.... NEVER review to audio submissions, but now I do. I like all ur songs but this one is far out the best. Most people go down hill with things they keep making but u only go up! WAY TO GO!
Thanks, I've used ur music in my movie. Check it out..
Cool music BTW!!!1111
I don't come to the audio portal alot but this music certainly made me come here more.. This is my first music review and I'm an active member since 2005. THIS ROCKS MAKE MORE!!!!!!
I will! :D
My home is Earth.
Age 34, Male
Joined on 12/13/05